Spending most of your day at a desk? 
Feeling too tired to work out after a long day? 
Does exercise feel more like an obligation than something you enjoy?

What if you could move your body in a way that feels good to you ? 
A type of exercise you truly enjoy and actually look forward to?

Welcome to a new way of moving, beyond fitness and performance !
Discover an immersive experience where movement becomes a joyful expression of who you are, rather than something you do.

No prior dance or movement experience is necessary to start. Whether you're a complete beginner or have years of movement experience, you are welcome here. We offer workshops, and community events where you can explore playful movement, free-form expression, and contact improvisation in a welcoming, non-judgmental space. The sessions are designed to encourage exploration, creativity, and connection at your own pace. 

Come as you are, and experience the joy of movement in a supportive and safe environment.

By embracing spontaneity, play, and physical connection, you open yourself up to new possibilities for personal expression and emotional release. These practices help break down the barriers between mind and body, offering a holistic approach to health that nurtures the body, mind, and soul.

What Are the Benefits of Playful Movement ?

What is Contact Improvisation ?
Contact improvisation (CI) is a unique form of dance that emphasizes physical connection and spontaneous interaction between partners. 
It’s a dialogue between two (or more) bodies, where the focus is on shared weight, lifting, falling, rolling, and responding to one another’s movements. 
In CI, there’s no predetermined choreography—each interaction is new and evolves in the moment.
Through the practice of contact improvisation, you learn to listen deeply to your partner’s body and respond with sensitivity, trust, and empathy. It’s an exploration of movement that encourages vulnerability, creativity, and mutual support.

CI has evolved into a global community of social dancing around "jams" and is often found overlapping with ecstatic dance communities. 


Stay informed about upcoming community classes, workshops, and private group sessions by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

You can also send me an email at sandrine.nourishcollective@gmail.com

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